In 2002 the project of the Asociación Grupo Fashion® (today Grupo AGF ) was born, being definitively constituted in 2006, with the purpose of creating an extensive calendar of watermelons from maximum quality, adjusted to the needs of customers and consumers, establishing as the main objective to regain confidence in watermelon consumption.

Today it is the largest group of companies in the primary fruit and vegetable sector in Europe .

Owner of seedless watermelon brand Fashion® , a leader in sales in the sector.

Formed by 16 fruit and vegetable companies that focus especially on the coast Mediterranean Spain, so Watermelon Fashion® is grown both in greenhouse and outdoors, guaranteeing a long production and supply schedule, from April to October.

The companies are subject to a strict production protocol and external audits to guarantee the excellent quality of the product.

Today AGF Group brings together 16 production and marketing companies from various parts of Spain, distributed among the provinces of Almería, Granada, Murcia, Alicante, Valencia, Castellón, Tarragona, and the Balearic Islands.
















Our values and our commitments define us. We can summarize them, but they go beyond words. Some of them are:


(click to see more)
At Grupo AGF we determine local needs, we recognize our neighbors, authorities, the media and other groups with which we interact. We promote coordination, dialogue and recognize mutual support needs, generating joint solutions. We respect current legislation and comply with the operating standards of the different government agencies with which we have a relationship. We support the development of the community through direct actions with educational, sports and cultural organizations. We impose ethical behavior that creates value for the business and at the same time improves the quality of life of workers and their families, neighboring communities and society in general.


(click to see more)
At Grupo AGF we determine local needs, we recognize our neighbors, authorities, the media and other groups with which we interact. We promote coordination, dialogue and recognize mutual support needs, generating joint solutions. We respect current legislation and comply with the operating standards of the different government agencies with which we have a relationship. We support the development of the community through direct actions with educational, sports and cultural organizations. We impose ethical behavior that generates value for the business and at the same time improves the quality of life of workers and their families, neighboring communities and society in general.

We also support and promote different initiatives:

I + D + I

The R + D + i department of Grupo AGF is managed by our technological partner Nunhems Spain, SAU . , and in collaboration with various institutions. The renowned partner provides a very broad vision in the field of research and innovation to develop the most appropriate practices that allow us to advance in the production of our seedless watermelon , Sandía Fashion .

What are the objectives of this collaboration?


Grupo AGF in collaboration with Nunhems Spain, works on product internationalization projects.

On the one hand, on the internationalization of new production areas into strategic areas of influence , in particular the United Arab Emirates; and on the other hand, the internationalization of the image of the brand in these strategic areas and in turn the expansion of the production calendar to twelve months of the year.


Grupo AGF in collaboration with Nunhems Spain, works on product internationalization projects.

On the one hand, on the internationalization of new production areas into strategic areas of influence , in particular the United Arab Emirates; and on the other hand, the internationalization of the image of the brand in these strategic areas and in turn the expansion of the production calendar to twelve months of the year.


Grupo Fashion, has prepared a study together with the Polytechnic University of Cartagena. In this study, 21 athletes participated who ran two half marathons, with an interval of 15 days, where Fashion watermelon juice enriched in L-citrulline was supplied.

The final objective, to analyze the response to exercise of Half Marathon race, assessing muscle damage and performance after drinking Watermelon Fashion juice, which has finally demonstrated the benefits of Citrulline from our watermelon on sports performance.

The results of the research show that citrulline has a beneficial effect on metabolism when the body is subjected to intense and prolonged exercise over time. The main effects:

  • Reduction of muscle fatigue
  • Increased performance
  • Decreased time in the athlete’s recovery after intense exercise. < / li>

Grupo AGF and the University of Granada agree to collaborate in the launch of the Master “MADES”, a Master’s degree in nutrition, sports and exercise for health.


The press and the media also talk about us. Here you can see the latest mentions about it:

Grupo AGF, socio de ISAM (International School of Agri Management): ISAM viaja a Castilla y León para celebrar una jornada de innovación en el sector agro
Grupo AGF, socio de ISAM (International School of Agri Management): ISAM viaja a Castilla y León para celebrar una jornada de innovación en el sector agroDiciembre 2021
Ver la nota de prensa completa aquí
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• El 1 de diciembre ISAM celebra junto a CEOE Valladolid una jornada de innovación en el sector agro en la ciudad castellano-leonesa.
• El Máster Internacional en gestión de Agronegocios de ISAM empieza su camino en Valladolid.
Sandía Fashion® launches TODAY its solidarity project, the 1st Edition of “Proyectos Que Laten” to make visible the initiatives that put the heart into life.
Sandía Fashion® launches TODAY its solidarity project, the 1st Edition of “Proyectos Que Laten” to make visible the initiatives that put the heart into life.May 2021See the full press release
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• Sports, family, health and sustainability and innovation are the 4 main axes.
• 4 winners who may receive up to 10,000 euros and advertising presence in the media.
Sandía Fashion® reinforces its commitment to sustainability at FRUIT ATTRACTION 2021
Sandía Fashion® reinforces its commitment to sustainability at FRUIT ATTRACTION 2021September 2021See the full press release
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• Grupo AGF makes a clear commitment to sustainability as one of the main axes of its business strategy.
• There are several milestones related to sustainability that Grupo AGF will present at Fruit Attraction 2021 ..
• AENOR certifies the Watermelon Fashion sustainability strategy and its contribution to the UN SDG 2030.
• Ágatha Ruíz de la Prada will visit the Watermelon Fashion stand to present a new, more sustainable packaging for Watermelon Fashion than she herself has designed.
Sandía Fashion® launches TODAY its solidarity project, the 1st Edition of “Proyectos Que Laten” to make visible the initiatives that put heart to life.
Sandía Fashion® launches TODAY its solidarity project, the 1st Edition of “Proyectos Que Laten” to make visible the initiatives that put heart to life.May 2021See the full press release
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• Sports, family, health and sustainability and innovation, are the 4 main axes.
• 4 winners who may receive up to 10,000 euros and advertising presence in the media.
Sandía Fashion® presents its 2021 spot
Sandía Fashion® presents its 2021 spotMay 2021See the full press release
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• Put a heart to life, new claim for the 2021 campaign of Sandía Fashion®.
• 3 audiovisual pieces that tell current stories.
• Sandía Fashion starts today, May 10, its advertising campaign with the broadcast of the spot in prime time by the Atresmedia and Mediaset groups.
• With the launch of their campaign “Our commitment to you: Caring for the planet”, Grupo AGF and watermelon Fashion® reinforce their commitment to the SDG 2030 of the Nations United and makes our watermelon now much more sustainable available to consumers.
Sandía Fashion® presents its most emotional campaign in spring 2021 </br>
Sandía Fashion® presents its most emotional campaign in spring 2021
May 2021 See the full press release
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• This is Sandía Fashion's most creative and social campaign.
• Sports, family, health and sustainability are the 4 main axes of the campaign.
• With a positive message the firm wants to put into I value the strength of Spanish society.
Sandía Fashion® reinforces its commitment to comply with the United Nations SDG 2030. "Our commitment to you: to take care of the planet".
Sandía Fashion® reinforces its commitment to comply with the United Nations SDG 2030. "Our commitment to you: to take care of the planet".April 2021 See the full press release
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• On September 25, 2015, world leaders adopted a series of agreements to eradicate poverty, take care of the planet and ensure the prosperity of the entire world as part of a sustainable development agenda with goals for the next 15 years.
• Among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), we find goals such as the end of poverty, end hunger, improve access and water quality, avoid climate change, promote sustainability or biodiversity, among others.
• To achieve these goals, we all have to do our part, from governments and institutions, to civil society and companies.
• With the launch of their campaign “Our commitment to you: Caring for the planet”, Grupo AGF and watermelon Fashion® reinforce their commitment to the United Nations SDG 2030 and make our watermelon available to consumers now much more sustainable.