Watermelon Fashion Jam

We cut the rind of the watermelon and only the pulp remains. Next, we cut it into small pieces to facilitate its preparation. In a blender glass, place the sugar, lemon juice, lemon zest and fresh mint leaves. We crush everything until we achieve a uniform dough consistency.

Next, in a pot we place the pieces of watermelon and cook them for forty minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon. Once it reduces by half, add the mixture of sugar, lemon and mint and continue stirring.

Bring to a boil and once it boils continue simmering until the desired consistency is achieved. It is important not to stop stirring and keep in mind that once cold, the jam thickens even more.

If over time the watermelon has not yet completely disposed of, remove it from the heat and blend with the help of a blender. Once the desired texture is achieved, we remove it from the heat and it only remains to wait for it to cool down to pack in previously sterilized jars.

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